Product description

D3CAL® Tablet & Suspension

  • Tablet : Calcium Carbonate 1250 mg, Vitamin D3 400 iu
  • Suspension : Each 5 ml contains : Calcium Carbonate 150 mg, Magnesium Hydroxide 25 mg, Zinc 7.5 mg, Cholecarciferol 200 iu


  • Calcium Deficiency
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Old Age
  • Offer High Potency Natural Calcium Derived From Oyster Shell Fulfills The Need Of Calcium Before, During & After Pregnancy
  • Ensures better absorption and utilization
  • Calcium Supplement Is Must By Volume & Weigh Than Any Other Mineral In The Body
  • Meets The Increased Demands Of Calcium For Children, Young And Elderly

Total Calcium Support